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【数理文化节·学术讲座预告】理学院首届数理文化节学术报告第9期 —— On convex MV-algebras

主讲人 :史福贵 地点 :太阳集团tyc539沙河校区理学楼520 开始时间 : 2024-05-15 14:00:00 结束时间 :

报告题目:On convex MV-algebras

报告人:史福贵 教授(北京理工大学)

报告时间: 2024515日(周三)下午1400-1500

主持人:朱萍 教授



The aim of this report is to introduce convex structures on MV-algebras such that the MV-operations are convexity preserving or weak convexity preserving. Therefore, we propose the concepts of paraconvex MV-algebras and weak convex MV-algebras. We give some characterizations of weak convex MV-algebras. Further, we show that the standard MV-algebra endowed with its interval convexity is a weak convex MV-algebra. In particular, a finite MV-chain endowed with a non-trivial convex structure is a weak convex MV-algebra iff the convex structure is precisely its interval convexity. Moreover, the direct product of finite weak convex MV-algebras is still a weak convex MV-algebra. Based on this, we further get that each finite MV-algebra endowed with its interval convexity is a weak convex MV-algebra. By using ideals, we introduce the ideal convexity on an MV-algebra which turns it to be a paraconvex MV-algebra. Finally, we discuss the separation axioms on weak convex MV-algebras.


史福贵,北京理工大学数学与统计学院二级教授,博士生导师,主要从事模糊集理论,模糊拓扑,模糊拟阵,模糊凸空间和凸代数等的研究,发表论文200余篇,主持国家自然科学基金四项和教育部博士点基金一项。现任中国系统工程学会模糊数学与模糊系统委员会副理事长,北京运筹学会副理事长,北京数学会副监事长,中国运筹学会理事;《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems》、《Mathematics》、《数学实践与认识》、《模糊系统与数学》等杂志编委。
