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校庆系列讲座通知:Bandwidth Efficient Multicast in HetNets

主讲人 :Dr. Maode MA(Nanyang Technological University) 地点 :主楼206教室 开始时间 : 2015-07-07 09:00 结束时间 : 2015-07-07 11:30

题目:Bandwidth Efficient Multicast in HetNets

报告人:Dr. Maode MA(Nanyang Technological University)





With the popularity of mobile multimedia applications, multicasting over heterogeneous networks (HetNets) has become a hot research topic in the field of wireless communications. Multicasting enables the multimedia applications (e.g., IPTV, video conferencing) to deliver the same information to a group of users simultaneously via the naturally-broadcasting wireless medium, thereby, improving the spectral efficiency. On the other hand, since the traditional homogeneous networks cannot keep pace with the explosive growth of mobile data demands driven by the multimedia applications, it’s believed that the only scalable way is the interworking of the HetNets.

Within a HetNet, the member stations of a multicast stream are distributed in multiple networks. Meanwhile, the member stations covered by the same network may experience different channel conditions and support different modulation and transmission bit-rates. Therefore, the issue of how to select networks to serve the multicast stream and determine the transmission rate (i.e.,) in each selected network arises naturally. In this talk, I will address the issue of efficient resource allocation or bandwidth allocation. As a piece of our recent research work, a novel design of a joint network selection and rate selection scheme for the multicasting in heterogeneous networks is proposed with an aim to minimize the overall bandwidth resources consumed by the multicast stream.



